Although most people have heard of chiropractic in Howard Beach, few people understand it. In short, chiropractic care detects and eliminates “blocks” from the nervous system. A pinched nerve or herniated disc can prevent the nervous system from functioning normally, which causes pain, decreased range of motion, and illness.

To assess disc problems in practice members’ nervous system, Dr. Avrum Musnik uses a combination of x-rays, thermography, wave analysis, and chiropractic adjustments. Through his preferred technique, the Pierce Results System, there is no “cracking.” Rather, he uses a table that absorbs stress from the adjustments and eliminates pain in treatment.


At Musnik Chiropractic Health and Wellness, Dr. Musnik conducts frequent re-evaluations throughout treatment to ensure his efforts are achieving the desired results—quickly.


With their nervous system restored to full and proper function, Dr. Musnik’s practice members experience:

  • Decreased or No Pain
  • Fewer or No Headaches
  • Better Digestion
  • Better Sleep
  • Clearer Thinking
  • Resolved Sciatica and Sacroiliac-related Pain
  • Fewer Allergic Reactions, Fewer Colds, and Less Overall Sickness
  • Increased Range of Motion with Less Dependence on Ambulatory Assistance
  • Improved Quality of Life and Ability to Better Engage in Everyday Activites and Routines
  • Relief from Neck, Shoulder, and Arm Pain